Friday, November 16, 2012

November 16, 2012

Song of the day: Rockin’ Robin
·        In honor of  National Education Week we have the following quote:
"I like to think that the greatest success of any life is that moment when a teacher touches a child's heart and it is never again the same... Everything America is or ever hopes to be depends upon what happens in our school's classrooms."
—Frosty Troy, editor of the Oklahoma Observer

·        Lunch Menu:  chili, chips and cheese, baked potato, salad, milk, fruit.
·        Mrs. Carter wants to send a shout out to Savannah and Jacy for receiving the highest score on the 7th grade math benchmark!!
·        Group D has Bus Duty (Stollings, Manley, Eldridge, Dugan, Brewer, Egnor and Vance)
·        Make up picture day will be December 7.
·        There will be a robotics team meeting on Tuesday, November 27 at 2:45 in Ms. Clapham’s office.
·        All students will be traveling to the Coalfield Jamboree today to see a performance of “Charlie Brown”.
·        Teachers: Please remember to complete the survey placed in your box and return it to Mr. Browning today.
·        Relay members who want to participate in the fundraiser need to see Ms. Adkins today. 6th graders who want to join the Relay team need to see Ms. Adkins today during your evening break.
·        Have a great day!! We hope everyone has a terrific Thanksgiving!! J
·        Birthday wishes go out to: Alexus, Philip , Caleb, Demi, Katie, Gracie, Emily, Larry, Billy, Jacob

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 15, 2012

   Song of the day: How Will I Know
·       In honor of  National Education Week we have the following quote:
"The highest result of education is tolerance."
—Helen Keller

·       Lunch Menu:  Turkey and Dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, roll, milk, fruit.
·       Ms. Kirk and Ms. Carter want to send A HUGE shout out to the prayer club officers who came in this morning to help get the baskets ready!!
·       Ms. Adkins wants to meet with 7th or  8th graders interested in joining the Relay for Life Team in the auditorium at 12:40 today.
·       6th Grade Honor Roll Movie at 9:00 am in Auditorium. 8th Grade Honor Roll Movie at 1:00 pm  in Auditorium
·       Group D has Bus Duty (Stollings, Manley, Eldridge, Dugan, Brewer, Egnor and Vance)
·       Make up picture day will be December 7.
·       All students will be traveling to the Coalfield Jamboree on Friday to see a performance of “Charlie Brown”.
·       Teachers: Please remember to complete the survey placed in your box and return it to Mr. Browning by Friday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14, 2012

Song of the day: The Right Stuff
·        In honor of  National Education Week we have the following quote:
"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."
—Malcolm S. Forbes

·        Lunch Menu:  ham and cheese sandwich, baked beans, carrot and celery sticks, milk, fruit.
·        7th Grade Honor Roll Movie at 10:00 am  in Auditorium
·        Group D has Bus Duty (Stollings, Manley, Eldridge, Dugan, Brewer, Egnor and Vance)
·        Make up picture day will be December 7.
·        All students will be traveling to the Coalfield Jamboree on Friday to see a performance of  “Charlie Brown”.
·        Teachers: Please remember to complete the survey placed in your box and return it to Mr. Browning by Friday.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 13, 2012

Song of the day: A Little Less Conversation
·        In honor of  National Education Week we have the following quote:
"Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another."
—G. K. Chesterton

·        Lunch Menu:  Oven baked chicken, mashed potatoes, roll, milk, fruit.
·        There will be no math tutoring today.
·        5th Grade Honor Roll Movie at 9:00 am  in Auditorium
·        7th Grade Core Teachers meeting in Room 217 with Ms. Williamson and Mr. Browning @ 2:50pm
·        Group D has Bus Duty (Stollings, Manley, Eldridge, Dugan, Brewer, Egnor and Vance)